Hey Siri — Christmas in October week 2 recap

One of my favorite gift sources is the PBS store. Haven’t visited? You’re in for a treat! So many cool ideas under one cover in this sticker book:


and for all the Anne fans out there try this:  http://ow.ly/QMbO50ji7Xl

I have a quotable card on my office bulletin board for inspiration.


Sometimes the best gift is one from the past. So let’s consider Mr. Rogers. Normally, I would say mugs are a highly personal proposition, but guys, this! (his sweater changes color!): http://ow.ly/PcO150ji7Yt

and these http://ow.ly/LqYz50ji7Yu

and this http://ow.ly/JyaI50ji7Yv

A universal truth: everyone needs somewhere to keep their stuff. Try gifting one of these on its own or fill it with delightful surprises. Lots of colors and sizes. Not just for knitters: http://ow.ly/Tuoo50ji817  or http:///DyHc50ji816


Or what about something someone will see, and appreciate, every day? Gorgeously vivid woven French linens http://ow.ly/v9Wr50ji82o If you put yourself on their mailing list, they’ll contact you when they have their awesome on-line sales.


Say you’re buying for someone who’s 8? 10? Maybe this edible paper for your budding spy? http://ow.ly/SHDk50ji8oz  or this pad made out of real elephant poo? http://ow.ly/4aKw50ji8oA

You’re welcome.