Hey Siri — Christmas in October week 3 recap

This week in Christmas presents is dedicated to the sports fan.

The ultimate in sports art, capturing those unforgettable moments and places http://ow.ly/pZJZ50ji8JM  Wait. What? You’re not a Capitals’ hockey fan? What’s wrong with you?! (the store has other team items too).

If your sports fan likes to attend games in person, then absolutely one of these is needed! http://ow.ly/Hdot50ji8K8

Here you go: http://ow.ly/NRZc50ji8KB

if you know what a ‘zam’ is then you’ll want to visit this site http://ow.ly/JnW950ji8NW

and look at this:  http://ow.ly/mP1J50ji957  your local rink might have a zamboni-driving session too  (remember we’re supposed to be all about experiences these days…)

http://ow.ly/PUiV50ji97a  I know, I know, but have YOU ever tried to watch football in driving wind and snow in a snowsuit and hat, and gloves + mittens, and double socks, and still been cold?

Until next week!